Uninhabited body
Inhabit the nameless
Inhabited body
Barcelona - India, 2007-2008
ENG | There are few opportunities we have to question the certainties of our known identity, and as far as we are presented, we still ignore them; abducted in the day to day we are passive to any doubt.
Uninhababitet (Barcelona) is the opportunity, it is the impulse to satiate the insatiable, to appease the inexhaustible curiosity. Expired in appearance, expired in the conception of things, he longs for the original way of discovering and understanding the world, he stops clinging and embarks on a journey.
Fool himself blurs the outline of his skin. Alien, unknown, strange, he travels unstoppably through new perceptions, struggles and encounters. He inhabits the nameless (Varanasi) and a new form of relationship with the world opens up, a new look: he distinguishes with experience what is proper from what is not.
Inhabited body (Zanskar) is skin that breathes, it is the uncertainty of living, it is disappearing to exist, it is living in the other and in what surrounds you, it is letting the immense landscape embrace you. In the face of this, there is hardly any possibility of being free.
As I occupied the universe, the universe piled up under my skin.
CAT | Poques són les oportunitatas que tenim per qüestionar les certeses de la nostra identitat sabuda i, quant s’ens presenta, encara les ignorem; abduits en el dia a dia ens mostrem passius envers qualsevol dubte.
Deshabitar (Barcelona) és l’oportunitat, és l’impuls per saciar l’insaciable, per apaivagar la inesgotable curiositat. Caducada l’exparença, caducada la concepció de les coses, anhela la forma originària de descubrir i entendre el món, deixa d’aferrar-se i emprèn el viatge.
Foll de si mateix desdibuixa el traç de la seva pell. Aliè, desconegut, estrany, transita imparable per noves percepcions, lluites i encontres. Habita el sense nom (Varanasi) i s’obre una nova forma de relació amb el món, una nova mirada: distingeix amb l’experiència el que és propi del que no ho és.
Cos habitat (Zanskar) és pell que respira, és la incertesa de viure, és desaparèixer per existir, és habitar en l’altre i en el que t’envolta, és deixar que l’immens paisatge t’abraci. Davant d’això tot just hi ha la possibilitat de ser lliure.
Al mateix temps que ocupava l’univers, l’univers s’acumulava sota la meva pell.
Uninhabited body, 70x100 cm. Digital print
Uninhabited body, 70x100 cm. Digital print
Uninhabited body, 100x100cm. Digital print
Inhabit the nameless, 80x100cm. Digital print
Inhabit the nameless, 80x100cm. Digital print
Inhabit the nameless, 80x100cm. Digital print
Inhabited body, 80x100cm. Digital print
Inhabited body, 80x100cm. Digital print
Inhabited body, 80x100cm. Digital print
Inhabited body, 100x100cm. Digital print