ENG | From the moment he made a radical choice of art, Albert Coma Bau’s lifes and work goes together. He understands existence as a sequence of stimulus, lately he has experienced them in the studio in Vic (Barcelona) after having had a residence in Berlin for two years. 

His work has been exhibited in locations as contrasting as Switzerland, Germany, France, Jordan and Algeria. Along his career, he has used diverse forms of artistic expression, like drawing, painting, photography, installation and performance. Coma’s creations question the human relationships and what surround them. The landscapes that lead us to discover ourself. Space and time, presence and absence, life and death, movement as a pivot to generate life, are continuously expanding concepts for him in order to transgress the conventional stereotypes of society. His work is a platform to reach freedom.

He stands out in his career Degree of Fine Arts from the University of Barcelona / Seminar with Carles Santos and Maria Helena Roqué, Girona / Dance theater with Merçè Boronat, Ca l’Estruc, Sabadell / Body Laboratory with Jessica Walter, Barcelona / Body, space, time, language Performance workshop by Joan Morey, Fabra i Coats, Barcelona / among others.  

Participates in projects in CAN FELIPA, Barcelona / EX ABRUPTO, Moià / PARADAZERO, Vic / FACTOR’S, Torelló / THAMBOS, Vic / AL-TIBA9, Algiers / among others.  

Exhibits his work at GALERIA C, Neuchâtel, Switzerland / WERKSTATT Galerie, Berlin / El CARME Gallery, Vic / Fifth BIENNIAL, H Association for Contemporary Arts, Vic / FORESIGHT ART Gallery, Amman / National Gallery of Fine Arts, Amman / others.  

Collections and awards: VILA CASAS Foundation Collection / Finalist in the YNGLADA GUILLOT Foundation / Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Madrid / Royal FAMILY Collection of Jordan / among others.

CAT | Des del moment que va fer una opció radical per l’art, la vida i l’obra d’Albert Coma Bau (Vic 1970) viatjan en paral·lel. Entén l’existència com una successió d estímuls, aquests últims anys els ha buscat al seu estudi de Vic després d’haver viscut  dos anys a Berlín.

Exposa en llocs tan diversos con Suïssa, Alemanya, Jordània o Algèria. Al llarg de la seva carrera utilitza diverses formes d’expressió artística, majoritàriament el dibuix, la pintura, la fotografia, l’instal·lació i la performance. Les seves creacions reflexionen sobre les relacions humanes, l’entorn que ens envolta, els paisatges que ens porten a descobrir el nostre jo més íntim, Juga amb el temps i l espai, l interior i l exterior, la presència i l absència, la mort i la vida per tal de transgredir els estereotipats convencionalismes, fet que fa de la seva obra una plataforma oberta cap a la llibertat. 

Destaca dins la seva trajectòria Llicenciat en Belles Arts per la Universitat de Barcelona/ Seminari amb Carles Santos i Maria Helena Roqué, Girona/ Dansa teatre amb Merçè Boronat, Ca l’Estruc, Sabadell/ Laboratori del cos amb Jessica Walter, Barcelona/ Cos, espai, temps, llenguatge taller de Performance a càrrec de Joan Morey, Fabra i Coats, Barcelona/  entre d’altres.

Participa en projectes a CAN FELIPA, Barcelona/ EX ABRUPTO, Moià/ PARADAZERO, Vic/ FACTOR’S, Torelló/ THAMBOS, Vic/ AL-TIBA9, Alger/ entre d’altres.

Exposa la seva obra a GALERIA C, Neuchâtel, Suïssa / WERKSTATT Galerie, Berlín/ Galeria El CARME, Vic/ Cinquena BIENNAL, H Associació per a les Arts Contemporànies, Vic/ FORESIGHT ART Gallery, Amman/ Galeria Nacional de Belles Arts, Amman/ entre d’altres. 

Col·leccions i premis: Col·lecció Fundació VILA CASAS/ Finalista a la fundació YNGLADA GUILLOT/ Ministeri d’Afers Exteriors i Cooperació, Madrid/ Col·lecció FAMILIA REIAL de Jordània/ entre d’altres.



2021 The subtle body and the telluric roots of the word, Workshop with Albert Vidal, Comptal Theater, Ripoll

2022  New territories, Collaborative Biotopes, Laboratory with United Cowboys from Eindhoven, Church of Sant Pere, Ripoll.

2021 The subtle body and the telluric roots of the word, Workshop with Albert Vidal, Comptal Theater, Ripoll

2019  Body, space, time, language, Workshop-performance by Joan Morey, Fabra I Coats, Centre d’Art Contemporany, Barcelona.

2017  Vipassana meditation, Dhamma Sacca, Candelera, Àvila. 

2013  Towards a Phisical Theatre with Thomas Mettler, Camedo, Switzerland.

2012   Improvisation Dance & Performance with Jordi Cortes, Barcelona.

2007  Vipassana meditation, Dhammasalil center, Dehradun, India.

2007  Theater-Dance with Mercè Boronat, Ca l’Estruch, Sabadell.

2003  Body Laboratory with Jessica Walter, Barcelona.

2001  Seminar with Carles Santos and Maria Helena Roqué, Girona.

1999  Erasmus Scholarship, Leeds Metropolitan University, England.

1998  CAP (Teaching Proficiency Course), University of Barcelona.

1998  Bachelor in Fine Arts, University of Barcelona.

1984  Drawing school, Vic.

Solo Exhibitions

2022 MAP Museum Art de la Pell, Indòmit, curated by Xavier Acarín Wieland and Ernest Crusats Font. Vic, Barcelona. 

2020  Foresight Art Gallery, Transcendence of the body, curated by Lama Hourani, drawings and paintings, Amman, Jordan.

2016  Paradazero, Ignot, Taller dins el taller, VICCC, action, installation and poetry, Vic

2015  Foresight Art Gallery, Life as a piece of art, Drawings and paintings, Amman, Jordan.

2015  Casino de Vic, Deixar de ser-hi (The cease of being), Drawings, Vic, Barcelona.

2012  Foresight Art Gallery, One’s Freedom, Drawing and paintings, Amman, Jordan.

2010  Factor(s) Contemporany Art, SOS, Photography and performance, Torelló.

2009  Galeria Artevistas, Àngels caiguts/ Encontres efímers (Fallen angels/ Ephemeral encounters), Photography, drawing and performance, Barcelona.

2009  Galeria El Carme, Cos habitat (Inhabited body), Photography, Vic.

2007  Galeria Desig, Sensualitat efímera (Ephemeral Sensuality), Drawings and paintings, Barcelona.

2006  Thambos, Cada moment de recerca és un moment d’encontre (Every searching moment is an encounter moment), Installation, Vic.

2006  Temps de Flors, Dibuixant amb la mirada al cel (Drawing with an eye toward the sky), Installation, Girona.

2006  Galeria Crea 21, Dibuixos (Drawings), Barcelona.

2005  Art Factory, Entre l’Albert i jo (Between Albert and I), Action, Barcelona.

2004  Galeria Metiers d’Art Sant Roch, Traç d’un sentiment (Stroke of a feeling), Drawings, Céret, France.

Collective Exhibitions

2023 Casino de Vic, “175.000 years” curated by Anna Dot, on the occasion of the 175th birthday of this institution. Vic, Barcelona.

2021  Casino de Vic, Sobre blanc tot funciona (On White everything Works) 1995-2020, Distopia (Dystopia), curated by Ana M. Palomo. Vic, Barcelona.

2020 Can Framis, Càpsules de confinament: Art i Pandèmia a Catalunya, curated by Mercè Vila Rigat. Celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Vila Casas Foundation, Barcelona.

2019  Ex Abrupto, De Facto, Video art, Moià, Barcelona

2017  Galeria Arteria, Al-Tiba9/ 5ª Edició, Paintings, Barcelona.

2016  Galeria El Carme, Fotomagia- Dead sea, Photography, Vic, Barcelona.

2016  Galerie C, Papier Bitte- Power of many, Drawings, Neuchâtel, Switzerland.

2015  Al-Tiba9, Secret, Drawings and paintings, Algiers, Algeria.

2015  Galeria Artevistas, TBT Throwback Thursday, Paintings, Barcelona.

2014  Al-Tiba9, Encounters, Drawings, Algiers, Algeria.

2014  Galeria El Carme, Fotomagia- Face to face, Photography, Vic, Barcelona.


2014  Werkstatt Galerie, Topología, Drawings, Berlin, Germany.

2013  Foresight Art Gallery, Colors from the world, Drawing and paintings, Amman, Jordan.

2012  Galerie C, Menscape – Suite Egger – Drawings, Neuchâtel, Switzerland.

2010  Fundació Caixa Laietana, Quatre (Four) Drawings, Madrid.

2010  CBA –Circulo de Bellas Artes, Solidarios para el desarrollo, Drawings, Madrid.

2009  Casa Bardin -Culture Institut Juan Gil-Albert, Encontres efímers (Ephemeral encounters), Drawings, Alacant.

2009  Galeria Artevistas, Art pride II, Paintings, Barcelona. 

2008  Espai d’Art i Arquitectura, Follia d’autor (Author’s madness), Photography and drawings, Girona.

2008  Galeria Bassas, Dibuixos (Drawings), Barcelona.

2008  Galeria Artevistas, Art pride I, Drawings and paintings, Barcelona.

2007  Galeria Crea 21, Pintures (Paintings), Barcelona.

2005  Centre Civic Can Felipa, Les linies del vincle (The Lines of the Bond), Drawing mural, Barcelona.

2004  Centre Cultural Llançà, Jo ara i aquí (I Now and Here), Instalation, Girona.

2002  Centre Civic Can Felipa, Noves Natures (New Natures), Instalation, Barcelona.

1999   Galeria Espai Blanc, Ànimes (Souls), Photography, Barcelona.


2013  Claudefaula, Painting, Girona, Catalonia.

2010  Amb la Mirada al cel (Up to the sky), Painting, Amman, Jordània.

2009  Encontres efímers (Ehemeral encounters), Drawing, Barcelona.

2004  Teixit humà (Human Tissue), Drawing, Barcelona.

2001   Entre tu i jo (Between You and Me), Drawing, Barcelona.

2000  Les tres edats (The Three Ages), Painting, Barcelona.

1998   Principi sense fi (Beginning Without End), Painting, Barcelona.

Collections, nominations and Awards

2020  Barcelona Deputation, Audiovisual Platform of the culture area, Emission rights of the film-performance KALI, Barcelona. 

2017   Ministry of foreign affairs and cooperation of Spain, Art Heritage Collection, Madrid

2015   Spanish Embassy of Alger, Espacio Cultural España, Algeria

2015   Royal family of Jordan Collection, Jordan.

2015   Jordan National Gallery of Fine Arts, Spanish art in Jordan, Amman Jordan.

2011    XLVIX Drawing Prize Fundació Ynglada-Guillot, Desconcert d’un sentiment, (Confusion feeling ), Barcelona.

2010   XLVIII Drawing Prize Fundació Ynglada-Guillot, Encontres efímers (Ephemeral encounters), Barcelona.

2009  Spanish Cultural Center Miami, Kakok Foundation Auction, Florida.

2008  Photography Prize Fundació Vila Casas 08 ,Cos habitat (Inhabited Body), Girona.

2006  5th Bienal, H Associació per a les Arts Contemporànies (Contemporary Art  association), Encontres efímers (Ephemeral Encounters). Vic.

2001  X Jornadas de estudio de la imagen (Workshop for the Study of the Image), Canal Abierto, Esclau (Slave), Madrid.

1996  10th Concurs Sanvicens, Centre Cultural Joan Maragall , Amants (Lovers), Sitges.

1996   First Prize in the International Sculptors Meeting in Calaf). Projecte Ran (Project Ran). Barcelona.